A 6 week online program focused not only on giving you gains in health, but most importantly, maintaining those gains.
Learn and apply my simple strategy through online videos and realistic action items.
Time is valuable. My workout plan is quick, yet very effective and efficient.
Interact with me and other members to help hold yourself accountable and stay motivated. Let’s go!
Food does not need to be complicated. I show you what has worked for me (and it all tastes great!).
Life happens. That’s really all I can say. Kids, career, work… “stuff”… it all started to add up and I lost track of my health in the process.
The health and fitness industry is filled with results, there is no doubt about that… the problem is (and what many fail to mention) that actually maintaining those results is highly unlikely and in most cases, physically impossible.
In other words, I failed time after time after time. To be fair, I would get gains of health, but I was never able to maintain it.
Then I decided to try my own strategy focused around a single word: simple.
This is when everything changed. The gains in health were not a magic pill, nor did they happen overnight; however, by focusing on simple, gaining my health became sustainable and therefore maintainable.
The unique part of my story is that some were able to watch my journey play out live. How so? I have a YouTube channel from another business I operate where I post weekly videos. Videos like THIS show where I was before I finally found the strategy that worked for me. I’m not sure the evidence could be anymore clear. My strategy produces health gains AND is maintainable!
Access the Bootcamp Videos, Meal Plans, and Community from your laptop, tablet, or mobile phone.