Online Bootcamp

Get Healthy. Be Wealthy.

A 6 week online program focused not only on giving you gains in health, but most importantly, maintaining those gains.

Feel like a dog chasing its tail?

Confusion is no fun. Losing your gains in health is frustrating.
  • Was your last workout plan or diet too difficult to follow?
  • Are you out of energy when playing with your children?
  • Can't maintain the results after completing a program?
  • Struggling to build healthy habits into your lifestyle?
  • Do you feel your health is holding you back in your career?
  • Feeling held back from adventures and exploring life to its fullest?

What does my wealth gained from health look like?

Ask anyone with lots of money, but poor health, which matters to them the most. Good health is the true foundation to an enjoyable and high-quality life.
Energy An increase in energy leading to more productivity in my work and career.
Confidence A huge belief in myself to overcome any challenge or problem that arises.
Finances A penny saved is a penny earned. Less health related bills and costs!
Parenting The ability to be a better parent and give 100% effort in this task.
Rest Better sleep which gives me that much more energy and productivity.

It’s Your Turn to Gain the Ultimate Wealth!

Let's Work Together

Knowledge Empowerment

Learn and apply my simple strategy through online videos and realistic action items.

Quick Workout Plans

Time is valuable. My workout plan is quick, yet very effective and efficient.

Online Support Community

Interact with me and other members to help hold yourself accountable and stay motivated. Let’s go!

Maintainable Meal Plans

Food does not need to be complicated. I show you what has worked for me (and it all tastes great!).

My Story

Life happens. That’s really all I can say. Kids, career, work… “stuff”… it all started to add up and I lost track of my health in the process.

The health and fitness industry is filled with results, there is no doubt about that… the problem is (and what many fail to mention) that actually maintaining those results is highly unlikely and in most cases, physically impossible.

In other words, I failed time after time after time. To be fair, I would get gains of health, but I was never able to maintain it.

Then I decided to try my own strategy focused around a single word: simple.

This is when everything changed. The gains in health were not a magic pill, nor did they happen overnight; however, by focusing on simple, gaining my health became sustainable and therefore maintainable.

The unique part of my story is that some were able to watch my journey play out live. How so? I have a YouTube channel from another business I operate where I post weekly videos. Videos like THIS show where I was before I finally found the strategy that worked for me. I’m not sure the evidence could be anymore clear. My strategy produces health gains AND is maintainable!

The Bootcamp Explained

The online bootcamp has been structured with the angry and passionate person in mind. Angry in the sense of you are sick-and-tired of all the annoyances poor health create. Passionate in the sense of you are truly ready to change!

What's Included?

  • Action items for your success. I will give you all the information needed for success, how to plan with that information, and then how to execute the plan in a way that is productive and maintainable.
  • Efficiency tools. I include printable documents designed to keep you focused on the important items while also ensuring you are working in a way that is maintainable for the long term.
  • Living document. There are numerous resources in the vast sea of information known as the internet. (both good and unfortunately, bad). This is a document that is constantly updated (“living”) to reflect the tools I personally use to gain and maintain my health.
  • Exclusive access to our private community. This is a place you can go to interact with me and other fellow members (iron sharpens iron!), hold yourself accountable and stay motivated.
  • My foundation foods and meal guide. I show you my eating strategy and step-by-step approach that gives you maximum freedom in your food choices.
  • Time saving workout plans. Between my family, career and just life in general, I’m busy! I show you my workout strategy that works in a time friendly way.

Plan. Gain. Maintain.

  • The how and why of mindset construction. You’ll gain an intense understanding of the mindset I have used to build habits and behaviors that lead to gains in health. These tactics are all backed up by science and research psychology as I will show you.
  • Planning with a true purpose. Even if you have a great mindset and intense desire to take control of your health, without a proper plan, your goals and ambitions will fall apart almost immediately. I will outline every single piece of information you need and how to use it to build a plan.
  • Setting yourself up for success. Without a doubt, mindset and having a plan is crucial; however, this is where many health and fitness strategies fail miserably in the long term. Certain plans look awesome and produce quick results, but when reality comes into play, they just are not actually realistic. My method sets you up for success, but in a REALISTIC and MAINTAINABLE way.
  • How to make efficient choices. There are numerous decisions that can gain health or headaches – it all comes down to the choice you make. In this era of the internet and social media, there are so many opinions available, it can become extremely overwhelming to determine what the wise choice actually is. Save yourself the headaches and let me show you all the choices I have made leading to my success.

Access Anywhere, Anytime

Access the Bootcamp Videos, Meal Plans, and Community from your laptop, tablet, or mobile phone.


One Time Payment


per participant

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